Sunday, November 23, 2008

What I am Thankful for Today

I am thankful that I have finished delivering and have turned in the money for the Cub Scout Popcorn this year. I have on trail's end mix left to deliver, but that is it. All three boy sell the popcorn, and they sell well. We have lots of friends, neighbors, and co-workers to thank for purchasing from them. Thank you, everyone, for your support. I like the confidence that it gives the boys, and the social etiquette of selling that they learn. At the end it comes down to dad and mom to drive them to delivery it, and add up all the money collected. We have started determining how much they sell by how many carloads it takes to pick it up from where it is delivered.
I am glad the work is done, and that I now have the garage and dining room free of popcorn!!!!


Sarah said...

What a relief for you! :)

Have a great Thanksgiving- we will be in Texas & then going to Bedlam!

Trina said...

We haven't gotten to that stage of life yet, but I agree it gives them good social skills.

Have a great Thanksgiving!