Sunday, November 30, 2008

Camera question

I am trying to decide what to do about a camera. My Kodak digital with a great zoom is not working so well. I also have a 35 mm Canon EOS with a broken lens. Any suggestions? I am considering replacing the lens on the 35 mm or purchasing a digital SLR.


Sarah said...

I love my Canon G9- it's one step below an SLR, but you can add lenses and stuff to it to make it an SLR. I think Canon is coming out w/ a G10.......

I wanted an SLR, but I wanted to be able to throw the camera in my purse, get it into football games, etc. An SLR can't do that.

Michael-Ann said...

I guess my dilima is that I already have an SLR. I am trying to decide if I want to replace the lens on it and add another one, and a bigger flash, or if I want to start over with digital. My Canon EOS beats a zoom on any other one step digital camera.

My Kodak digital will fit in my purse, so I am good on that. I am missing the awesomeness of the SLR.