Friday was spent with everyone going to the eyedoctor and shopping. Saturday I spent taking CPR and First Aid courses. Hubby and I worked on putting a new desk for me together. I started it while he was at work. I was proud of myself until Hubby tried to put the drawers in. I had put the rails for the drawers in upside down. It meant the desk had to be disassembled. Like my mother said "For better or for worse". Hopefully this is the worst! So that was Saturday.
Today I spent working around the house. All the new clothes from Friday meant it was time to see how many of last years clothes still fit the boys. I didn't realize how much they had grown until they were trying on last winter's clothes. The pants and sleeves were way too short. I think I will try to sell what I don't pass down to the younger boys at the Fall Just Between Friends Sale. It is in about three weeks, so I will have to work to get everything laundered, pressed, and tagged.
On an ironic note, one of the animals had been doing it's job behind the TV all week. I kept getting onto the dog. Well, Friday night I discovered it had been the cat. I scolded her and took her to her litter box. The dog was following, wagging his tail as if to let me know he was glad the cat had been caught. I went to put the cat in her litterbox so she could be reminded where to do her job. The door wouldn't open! I had put the box back together wrong when I changed it last. Boy, did I feel guilty. My poor animals.